
Client THE TON
Architecture Design-to-Production
Architecture (Design) Heike Mutter & Ulrich Genth
Collaboration Design-to-Production
Image credits Posco
Scope Parameter study, structural analysis, detail design
Materials Steel
Height 28 m
Span 13 m
Planning period 2020
Completion 2021

The geometry of the artificial staircase, which resembles a roller coaster with accessible heights of up to 28 m above ground, was optimized with the aid of parametric studies with variable support positions and the aim of achieving the most favorable eigenfrequency possible.

The construction with a total length of 330 m - of which approx. 300 m can be walked on - has a double curved shape and consists of a main round hollow profile, to which the individual stair treads and railings are attached. Due to the exposed location near the coast, increased attention was paid to the transfer of the high wind loads.