Piazza roofing of the prophet's mosque
26 m parasols

Client SL-Rasch GmbH
Contract type Unterauftrag SL-Rasch GmbH
Architecture Architekturbüro Rasch + Bradatsch
Scope structural design, form-finding, optimisation
Covered area 145000 m²
Length 26 m
Width 26 m
Height 16 m
Planning period 2006 - 2008
Completion 2010

The outside areas of the Prophet’s Mosque in Medina are spanned by 260 parasols

The total spanned area amounts to 145,000 m². The height of the parasol constructions, when open, is 21.70 m – whereas the size of the pre-stressed parasol membranes is 26 x 26 m each.